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A member registered Oct 22, 2015

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played this visual novel some years ago and loved it. was thinking about it lately so i started a new game. my memory is quite poor so when i re-experience things, sometimes its like i am for the first time again! i am not even though it all yet but i am having so much fun, laughing and crying. its so funny yet also so meaningful, and there are definitely parts that make me very emotional. i love this so much and im sure ill keep coming back to it. i think ill get the art book too, i just really love all these characters ! i relate to a lot of them in different ways. thank you for a very well made queer visual novel~

thats cool, thanks for the response! i restarted from the beggining and finished it a bit ago lol. neat game (:

also got peewee stuck behind there haha. just to kinda see if i could. okay gonna restart and be careful around the couch

i didnt do this on purpose but i threw a monster block behind the couch and i cant get to it... therefore cannot progress. idk if it is worth it to try and fix but its kinda annoying i have to start over cause i really cant get to it lol. anyways just wanted to let you know !

how do you collect the gems? i found one on level one of digsite but i had no idea how to bring it back with me.. i tried to get it across the hole but it just fell in and disappeared..

how do i get themes that will change the color of ITEM STATES? i have downloaded themes from the link on github, but everytime i drag them in, they change the colors everywhere EXCEPT the item states. this is maddening. i do not want RED and ORANGE in my theme. :/